
LIEBSTER award nomination


Alḥamdulilah, a comment popped up stating I have been nominated for an award. I was so excited reading this as this is my first ever nomination for an award since I have started blogging in August 2017. I have been nominated for the Liebster Award from Untouched by fire who I’d like to thank very much! This sister has a blog which has an array of lovely posts reflecting the beauty of Islām. Allāhuma bārik lahā.

These are the rules

The Liebster award is a virtual award passed on by bloggers to other fellow bloggers. Its goal is to connect and promote new bloggers in the community through the engagement and discovery that links to the chain of being nominated and nominating.

  • Thank the person who nominated you (aka 私→ me) and include a link to their blog.
  • Write a blog post about your nomination, displaying an image of the award.
  • Write 5-11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the questions the person who nominated you asked you in his/her blog post.
  • Nominate 5-11 other starting bloggers who you think deserve this award.
  • Ask 5-11 questions of your own for your nominees to answer.
  • Comment on my original post to let me know that you’ve accepted your nomination and leave a comment on Global Aussie to inform him that you have received a nomination (this is optional).
 Random Facts about myself
  1. Prayer is the number one priority and has been ever since I realized why I have been tested with my health.
  2. I’m a quiet, reserved and calm person; I dislike too much noise and drama.
  3. I dislike procrastinating and wasting time.
  4. Reading is one of my most favourite tasks.
  5. I have watched Prison break twice through, all 5 seasons!
  6. I have watched all the Nicholas Sparks movies and read all his books.
  7. I used to be a Samsung girl now I’m an Apple girl!
  8. Making things with my hands is something I enjoy very much.
  9. Seven years ago I could not understand the Birmingham accent, now I can!
  10. I love the rain, for many reasons.
 Answering my questions

1. How has your blogging experience been so far?

My blogging experience has been fantastic so far, I have really enjoyed it writing about things which I hold dear or have an opinion on. I never knew I was such a good writer! Well, I think I am.

2. What made you start blogging?

I have wanted to start blogging for the last 4 years. I started on Blogspot but I didn’t stick to it. Then 4 years later I had more of a motive to start blogging raising awareness of my condition which my friends gave me a little push towards. So come August 2017 I set up my blog with a little help from the WP team as I’m not great with software. I gave it a lot of thought and did a lot of research then decided to go ahead with it, alḥamdulilah. And so far, I have to say I am enjoying it very much.

3. What does life mean to you?

To me, life has a simple description as described in the Qurān.

“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.”

[Qurān Surah ad-dhariyāt 51:56]

This life is a test, we are here temporarily and we will die. Then we will be raised and judged accordingly by the Ultimate Judge. So, this life is about being the best kind of person I can be in line with the regulations laid down in the Qurān and Sunnah.

4. Do you judge a book by its cover?

No, never.

5. What’s your favourite quote?

My favourite quotes change as time and things change in my life. At the moment I regularly quote to myself the following ayah (verse) from the Qurān.

“Do not lose hope, nor be sad. You will surely be victorious if you are true in Faith.”

[Qurān Surah al-Imrān 3:139]

6. What is the most important thing a person can do to improve themselves?

Work on their happiness. Do what makes them happy because if you’re not happy, be that at work, home, in a relationship then you’d be thinking of it constantly and maybe even compare yourself to others which can damage that happiness even more or remove it altogether. An important thing is spirituality, believing that Allāh has decreed what is to happen one should be content with Allāh’s plan because He always wants the best for us whether we see it straight away or not.

7. What inspires you to write new posts?

I get inspiration from all around me in daily life. I think my mind works differently when I write. New ideas and new thoughts come to me when I have a pen in my hand or a keyboard in front of me.

8. What is one advice you’d give to newbie bloggers?

When writing, write from your heart or mind just don’t think to yourself ‘what will others think’. These are your thoughts and they’re unique. Also grammar check and double-check your posts after reading them through. Maybe get someone else to read your posts before pressing the publish button.

Now time to nominate. . . 
Here are my questions to my nominees.
  1. What is your most embarrassing experience?
  2. Is religion important to you? Based on your answer, why?
  3. What has been your best holiday experience so far?
  4. Where do you see yourself in 7 years?
  5. What’s the best movie you’ve watched and why is this your best movie?
  6. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
  7. What does the word ‘love’ mean to you?
  8. Why did you start blogging?
  9. Define the word family and what it means to you.
  10. What goes around, comes around. Do you believe this to be true?
  11. The egg or the chicken, what came first?!

8 thoughts on “LIEBSTER award nomination

  1. Loved reading your post! I hate procrastinating and wasting my time as well, but still struggling to defeat the first one! Don’t know what Prison break is, but sounds like a cool drama series? I kindly dislike the British accent, forget the Birmingham one lol! Your answers are beautiful. May Allah give you sabr and happiness ya ukhty ❤︎


    1. As much as I hate procrastinating it does take over most times mainly due to my illness. I have learned to chill out and take things at my body’s pace (kind of) but when I’m feeling well I jut want to get everything done and more!

      Yes. Prison break is a drama series on Netflix. It consists of 5 seasons 🙂

      There’s many different British accents depending on what part of Britain you’re from. Some of them are incomprehensible, just like the Birmingham accent was for me at first haha! 🙈

      JazakAllāh khair. Wa iyyāki Ukhti, may Allāh bless you with more than what you pray for me. Ameen 🌸

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh may Allah heal you and make it easy for you sis ❤
        For me, it just so happens that I get very lazy sometimes and won’t be able to do anything and be at the lowest on my productivity, while other days are much better.
        I’m always clueless when it comes to dramas or most movies lol!
        And I just seem to not be able to understand the British accent and therefore, it makes it irritating lol. Kudos to you!


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